Research Topics
Click on the title (or image) of each section to see a list of selected publications.
Theory Development
We develop theoretical models and their numerical realisations which provide insight into fundamental processes involved in chemical and physical phenomena. Fundamental theoretical analysis is universally relevant to problems
with different physical origins, and it represents one of the essential tools of science.
Modelling Electrostatic Interactions
We study electrostatic interactions between charged polarisable particles which underpin a great variety of applications -
from tribocharging of pharmaceutical powders, to charge scavenging in the Solar System,
to guided and self- assembly of particles in the gas phase, in solvents, and on surfaces.
Transformation of Nanostructure under the Electron Beam: Atomic Imaging and Computational Modelling
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy correlated with quantum chemical modelling
aids our understanding of the effects of the electron beam on properties, chemical functionality, and dynamics of nanomaterials.
Modelling (Nano)materials Properties
Behaviour and properties of nanomaterials are rarely similar to
their bulk structure. Computational modelling plays an important role
in determining these changes at the nanometer scale. It guides experimental efforts
towards economical and feasible design of new materials.
We investigate the reactivity and selectivity of single metal atoms and metal nanocatalysts for applications in heterogeneous catalysis.
Gas Storage in Porous Solids
We study new generations of multi-functional porous materials suitable for gas storage, selectivity and purification, decarbonisation, and chemical reactivity.