December 2016: Elena gives a keynote lecture at the 6th National Postgraduate and Young Researchers Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Birmingham, UK
December 2016: Elena was selected on the University of Nottingham Research Leaders Programme 2017.
August 2016: Elena gives an invited lecture "Electrostatic self-assembly: understanding the role of solvent" at the TACC 2016 (Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry) Conference in Seattle, USA.
July 2016: Elena is appointed as an editor of the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, World Scientific.
July 2016: Matt Lennox accepts a permanent post of Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath. Richly deserved, Matt!
July 2016: Elena gives a plenary lecture "Electrostatic self-assembly: understanding the role of solvent" at the 21st International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (QSCP-XXI), Vancouver, Canada.
June 2016: The RSC Theoretical Chemistry Group Conference 2016 was held at the School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham. The meeting covered a broad spectrum of theoretical and computational chemistry and incorporated the TCG Graduate Student meeting, where final-year PhD students competed for the Coulson prize for the best graduate student talk.
June 2016: Matt Lennox receives a "Best Poster" award at the 12th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption, Graf-Zeppelin-Haus, Friedrichshafen/Lake Constance, Switzerland. A well deserved prize.
May 2016: Steve passed his PhD viva with flying colours!! Well done, Steve.... and welcome to the group as a postdoctoral fellow.
April 2016: COST Action "MultiComp" CA15107 was funded. COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Elena represents the UK on the Management Committee of the Action.
March 2016: Research Project Grant "Flexibility and curvature in two-dimensional supramolecular arrays" (PI: Prof. Peter Beton, Physics) is funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
March 2016: Our proposal "Investigation of the optimization routes for the processing and delivery of pharmaceutical powders" (PI: Prof. Elena Besley) for funding from the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account was successful.
March 2016: Matt Lennox receives the "Best Talk" award at the Dan Eley Postdoctoral Symposium (School of Chemistry, Nottingham) for his talk
"Tuning MOFs for low-pressure CO2 and CH4 adsorption operations: a multi-level computational study". Very well done, Matt!
March 2016: Elena gives a reserach seminar "When do particles of the same charge attract?" at the EaStCHEM Research Colloquim, School of Chemistry, St. Andrews.
February 2016: Industrial CASE PhD studentship (2016-2020), in collaboration with GSK, is awarded.
February - March 2016: Elena presents a talk "When do clusters of the same charge attract?" at the International Symposium on Size-Selected Clusters (S3C) in Davos, Switzerland.
January 2016: A new part-time PhD student, Matthew Halstead, joins the group. Welcome, Matt!